Toolswild Book calculation comes with various tool which helps users to calculate the book reading time etc, we have Included Book Reading, Reading Speed Test, Book Length Estimator, Daily Reading Goal Tracker.
Reading Prediction
Reading Speed Test
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Book Length Estimator
Daily Reading Goal Tracker
Book Reading Calculator
This tool is basically made to help the users to estimate their reading time, You just need to enter some minor details like Minutes per day you will read and what is you WPM reading speed at last you need to enter the day’s you will read then just enter the button and you will get the details of how many pages you will read in that time.
Personally I used this tool to calculate, How many Minutes I need to read in how many days are require to estimates end the book.
Reading Speed Test
This is very simple and helpful tool which will helps lots of users to calculate their WPM reading speed, You just need to start button and read the sentence after that click on end button to calculate your WPM reading speed.
Book Length Estimator
This tool will help the user to estimate the book length by using word count, it will be usefully for the people who are just trying to start a book.
This tools are basically helps users to calculate the estimate time they need to complete the book.