Elon Musk has said that he wants X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, to be the "best platform for creators."
Image credit : KSI
In hopes of doing just that, Musk's platform has rolled out features like Subscriptions for creators and, most recently, a creator monetization program.
Image credit : KSI
The monetization program has especially piqued creators' interests.
Image credit : KSI
Last month, a number of X users who are part of the monetization program shared how much they made.
Image credit : KSI
And that's especially the case after hearing how much YouTuber KSI made off the monetization program.
Image credit : KSI
KSI said “I don’t know if Twitter really pays that much. Bro, I’ll show you,” KSI said. “I’m gonna whip it out. So, I get pretty good impressions. I’d say like, in the hundreds of millions.
Image credit : KSI
“And, bro, monetisation, I’m going into it. How much I’ve got for August, the whole of August, $1,590.”
Image credit : KSI